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Our science curriculum is designed with the intent that each child at Peatmoor Primary School will become competent scientific thinkers and investigators who will encounter awe and wonder through first-hand scientific investigative experiences and approaches, which activate learning for all children.  

Science at Peatmoor will provide opportunities for children to develop the process skills associated with science education as well as develop a greater knowledge and understanding of life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes as described in the National Curriculum for science.  Enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning is encouraged through real, first–hand and rich science experiences so that all children explore, question, predict, plan, carry out and make observations and conclusions about their scientific tests. Children are given opportunities to discuss and present their work using scientific language, observations, diagrams, jottings and charts. 

The impact of the curriculum design will lead to good progress over time at both key stages and EYFS from the children’s starting points. Children will leave school at least achieving Age Related Expectations. Children will be confident, resilient, self-motivated, independent learners, with a thirst for challenge and be able to make links to science in their everyday lives.