"The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Pupils feel safe in school. They know there are trusted adults they can talk to. Leaders hold regular meetings with all staff, in which concerns about pupils’ welfare can be raised. They take seriously all referrals made. Leaders are aware of each pupil’s circumstances and monitor pupils’ well-being closely. Staff recognise the importance of promoting pupils’ health, well-being and emotional development. Leaders have developed trusting partnerships with families. They are proactive in getting pupils and their families the help they need"
This school takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children and young people in its care.
As such we follow clear and robust policies and practices to safeguard and protect the children in our care.
Designated Lead for Safeguarding is the Headteacher
Mrs Libby Matthews
Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding
Mrs Donna McDonald - Deputy Head/SENDCo
Trustee with Safeguarding Responsibility
Dr Andrew Bourne - Chair - Board of Trustees
At Peatmoor Primary School the health and safety of all children is of paramount importance. Parents send their children to the school each day with the expectation that we provide a secure environment in which their children can flourish. In order to do this a wide range of measures are put in place.
A wide range of policies are in place and designed to achieve a fair, safe and harmonious environment, in which children are – safe from harm, know that staff have their welfare at heart, and know that staff will always listen when they want to discuss a problem. The key documents: Child Protection, Health and Safety, Behaviour and Anti-bullying Policies and Prevent Duty are all available on our website.
First Aid
In school there are always trained members of staff who oversee first aid. There are a number of first aid kits situated around school. When a child is ill, or has suffered an accident in school there is a protocol for staff to follow.
Site security
Peatmoor Primary School provides a secure site, which is controlled by precise management directives.
Staff and Volunteer Vetting checks
All staff and volunteers who work in the school have a full DBS check carried out. Any volunteer who has not had a DBS check will be risk assessed and not left with children by themselves.
Educational visits and risk assessments
The educational visits coordinator has attended appropriate training. Risk assessment records are carried out for all educational visits.
Peatmoor Community Primary School | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library
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